Why Us
First, let me say that “us,” is mainly me. I am attorney Robert Taylor, and I handle all the bankruptcy matters in my office. I do things differently from most offices. Here, when you hire me, you get me. When we have a consultation, you will meet with me. If you have questions, I will answer them. When we go to court, I will not only be with you, but we will meet early and go over everything beforehand. Once your case is over, I will still be here if you have a question or problem.
While there are many fine bankruptcy attorneys in Southern California, the main reason most people hire me is because I make the process easier, less stressful, and less expensive. Normally, when people hire a bankruptcy attorney or firm, it is the result of a brief consultation where they are "sold". These consultations are usually 30 minutes or less and oftentimes take place with paralegals or other staff. Once "sold", new clients are typically given a 50-plus page questionnaire to take home, complete, and return. Once returned, some non-attorney staff member types the questionnaire into a bankruptcy petition, which is then filed with the court and a hearing date is set. If the client is lucky, the attorney they hired will attend the bankruptcy hearing.
Here, when you hire me, you get me. Typically, you and I will do all your bankruptcy paperwork together. Instead of spending days filling out lengthy forms, my preference is to let you know what documents I need, have you bring them to my office, and we sit down together and do your entire bankruptcy petition. This meeting typically lasts three to four hours and, while I will be the first to admit that spending three plus hours with me is not the most fun you can have in a given day, I promise you that it will be much easier than filling out a 50-plus page questionnaire on your own.
Completing your paperwork together not only saves you time and aggravation, it allows us to do a more thorough job. If we are preparing your bankruptcy petition together, we can go over every question in detail. That way, if there is a potential problem, we can address it before filing. This is important, because many problems that could be avoided beforehand cannot be fixed if discovered after your case is filed.
After filing, your bankruptcy papers are sent to a “panel trustee” whose primary responsibility is to investigate your assets and financial affairs. Another copy goes to an analyst with the United States Trustee’s Office, who, among other things, looks more closely at your income, expenses, and past behavior to discern if opposing your bankruptcy might be warranted. When I am preparing your petition, I will try to anticipate any questions or concerns your trustee or analyst may have, and we will provide additional information and explanations as appropriate in your papers. As a result, it is unlikely you will have to answer any additional questions in court or be asked to return with additional documents in the future. To date, over 95% of my clients’ court examinations have lasted less than 90 seconds, and only twice in 14 years have I had a client return for a second court appearance.
Not only do I make the process easier and less stressful, but I believe my rates are truly among the lowest. I honestly believe you will not find another firm or attorney who will provide the same service for less money. Of course, it costs a little more to do everything together, but I believe the slight increase in cost is well worth the ease, convenience, and peace of mind that comes from knowing everything is done right. In fact, I am so sure it will be done right that, in most cases, I will guarantee your bankruptcy discharge or your money back (I do not know one other attorney who will do that). That said, you can find complete, straightforward information on fees/costs on our Pricing & Guarantee page.
So, if you are ready to file for bankruptcy or just have a few questions, give me a call at (714) 962-1892 or send me an email: robtaylorattorney@gmail.com. We can discuss your situation at length, whether in the office or over the phone, There is absolutely no cost, pressure, or obligation.
Rob Taylor
We are a federally designated debt relief agency pursuant to Title 11 of the US Code. We provide legal assistance and help people file for bankruptcy relief under the Bankruptcy Code.